Address Workplace Issues and Incidents

In every workplace, conflicts among individuals can arise, and it’s crucial for employers to respond effectively to avoid exacerbating tensions. At ProActive ReSolutions, we offer guidance and a structured approach to address such incidents. Our aim is to assist all involved parties in understanding, learning from, and resolving conflicts, thereby fostering stronger relationships and promoting cooperation.

1. Mediation

When conflicts are identified early and trust between parties remains intact, it can be beneficial to facilitate a conversation where individuals can express their concerns and request behavioral changes. We call this process a Facilitated STRAIGHT TALK® Conversation, which includes the following steps:

  1. Introduction and Issue Exploration: The facilitator introduces themselves and delves into the issues at hand, conducting one-on-one discussions with each party to understand their perspectives and support them in articulating their concerns and requests.
  2. Facilitated STRAIGHT TALK® Conversation: Following our STRAIGHT TALK® approach, the facilitator guides the parties through a structured dialogue where they can share their concerns and propose changes in behavior. Additionally, the facilitator helps draft a behavioral agreement for each party to consider.
  3. Agreement Follow-Up: The facilitator ensures that both parties adhere to their commitments by conducting follow-up sessions.
  4. Debriefing with Employer: While we maintain confidentiality regarding specific issues discussed during the Facilitated STRAIGHT TALK® Conversation, we provide the employer with an overview of the process and any notable observations.
  5. Written Summary: We furnish a comprehensive report outlining the steps taken during the process and the participants involved, while preserving the confidentiality of the issues discussed.

By employing these strategies, we aim to facilitate constructive resolutions to workplace conflicts while safeguarding the privacy and dignity of all parties involved.

2. Conflict Transformation

In contrast to a disagreement, a conflict invariably includes multiple participants, tends to be intricate, doesn’t easily yield to a straightforward fix, can’t be resolved solely through inquiry, and demands the involvement of all affected parties for a lasting resolution to be achieved.

There are clear features of both conflicts and disputes, that can help diagnose whether you’re being asked to manage a dispute or a conflict. Understanding the derivation of the words is helpful.

The words dispute comes from the Latin ‘disputare’ and refers to cleaning up the mess or the misunderstanding. Whereas conflict derives from the Latin ‘conflictus’, meaning the clashing together of swords. Conflict is an entrenched state of negative feelings about someone or something. A simple way to make the distinction is that disputes are in our heads, whereas conflicts are in our hearts.

When we’re in dispute there is a fundamental agreement that we need to get to a decision, but there might be a lot of disagreement about how to get there. When we’re in dispute, mediation can be a helpful way to resolve the differences. When we’re in conflict there is no such agreement. We often see that the only way forward is for me to win and you to lose. Individuals involved start talking to others and thereby involving them. Factions begin to form. Communication breaks down. Negative behaviours are reinforced.

Disputes can involve as few as two people. Conflicts always involve many more than two.

Our established Conflict Resolution approach, tailored for addressing conflicts, has demonstrated a remarkable 9:1 return on investment in a comprehensive study conducted without bias. At ProActive ReSolutions, our Conflict Resolution offerings diverge from the traditional focus on blaming individuals and imposing sanctions, or punishment. Rather the goal is to understand how the circumstances evolved, the impact of what has happened on those affected, and agreement on how to transform the conflict into plans for cooperation and accountability.

3. Possible Risk of Violence

When an employee expresses worries regarding their physical safety, employers in various jurisdictions are obligated to address the situation thoroughly. Given the potential ramifications, an imminent threat of violence takes precedence over other workplace obligations. However, discerning what behaviors qualify as valid concerns for violence risk and determining the appropriate response can be challenging.

How should one document concerning behaviors and the subsequent decisions made?

This is where ProActive ReSolutions steps in. We offer evidence-based methodologies for documenting and managing workplace behaviors. We assist in distinguishing significant indicators from inconsequential noise concerning unwanted workplace behaviors. Whether you’re assessing an individual’s immediate risk of violence or aiming to mitigate future instances of workplace violence, our solutions can provide support.