Case Management

Manage complexity and balance competing priorities with our Case Management Services

We help leaders make timely responses in line with their vision, mission, and values.

We’ve all seen organizations in the media spotlight for workplace incidents. We help employers quickly assess and respond to incidents to minimize a sense of cynicism in the general public or of Institutional Betrayal on the part of employees.

We help employees’ sense of psychological safety.

Leaders know employees can’t perform well if they feel physically or psychologically unsafe, and sometimes sound policies and procedures just aren’t enough. Whether the issue you’re grappling with is high-risk, high-profile, or intractable, our team can help you assess and respond in ways that repair harm to relationships.

Our range of case management services.

We support your organization in meeting its mandate of providing a safe, healthy and respectful environment with a range of case management services including HR Case Support, Post-Investigation Management, Triage for Potential Risk of Violence, and Reintegration Support Services.

1. HR Case Support

A mayor off the rails. A #MeToo Moment that defies resolution. A disgruntled employee turning to social media to vent their frustration.

Sometimes internal resources aren’t enough to put out the fire. Occasionally your team of HR professionals needs external support to analyze and intervene when a particularly challenging file feels high-risk or overly complex. Our team can help HR navigate duty to accommodate, mental health issues, physical safety concerns, etc. without losing sight of who you are and how you do things.


2. Post-Investigation Management Services

It’s always difficult to return to full productivity following a workplace hearing or formal investigation. The incidents and relationships leading up to and resulting from these complaint processes are likely to recur, continue, or even escalate without everyone having a clear understanding of your organization’s expectations, the responsibilities each person has and the support systems available to ensure everyone behaves appropriately.

Our Strategic Approach

ProActive ReSolutions’ Post Investigation Management Services (“PIMS”) ensures everyone understands their responsibilities and what’s expected of them once an investigation has concluded. It’s future focused. The investigation’s conclusion is used as a springboard to reiterate the roles and responsibilities of every workgroup member while providing each individual with the tools, skills and strategies to address problematic behaviors as they arise. Both a specific intervention and a workgroup cultural reset, PIMS supports individuals while establishing an integrated accountability framework for meeting the organization’s requirement to maintain a healthy, harassment-free workplace.

Our Methodology

PIMS follows a structured approach to understanding and addressing the perceptions, issues and dynamics of the individual, the team and the managers involved.

  • Researching the Problem. The first step in PIMS is understanding the perceptions, attitudes and underlying issues held by those involved. This is done by interviewing the complainants, respondents and managers in a series of one-on-one meetings.
  • Analyzing and Addressing the Problem. With a clear understanding of the perceptions, attitudes and underlying issues, our consultants then begin developing a coaching plan to help address these issues and perceptions. Part of this plan includes coaching key individuals to join a Respectful Workplace Training session with the rest of their workgroup as a productive participant.
  • Presenting the Findings. ProActive ReSolutions will deliver a report confirming people’s understanding of the problem, any actions taken and any relevant recommendations.

Note that ProActive ReSolutions won’t disclose specifics of the scenarios raised by individuals and will maintain confidentiality with respect to the concerns and disclosures of participants.

Additional ongoing coaching support is available as part of our annual support package.


3. Triage for Potential Risk of Violence

We help organizations foster safe, healthy and productive workplaces. All of our experience and research suggests that, in support of these aspirational outcomes, every organization can take at least some meaningful steps to positively influence the behavior of employees, contractors, customers, and others. For instance, we have seen that when organizations take the time to create and communicate clear expectations of work-related conduct that align with organizational values, they can realize significant increases in consistency of overall compliance amongst employees and contractors. Equally, however, all of our experience and research suggests that every workplace will experience at least occasional challenges with unwelcomed behaviors from employees and others, notwithstanding even the best of intentions and efforts.

The ProActive Conflict Ladder® illustrates the continuum of problem behavior that can arise from time to time in any work-related context, including everything from simple disregard of business rules and incivility, to discrimination and harassment, to threats and physical violence. The sheer range of the behavior on this continuum highlights the complex questions that organizations can face in a given case such as:

  • What specific forms of problem behavior have occurred, and what harms have arisen as a result?
  • What forms of problem behavior are likely to occur in the future in this case, and what harms are likely to result?
  • Which laws, regulations, and policies must inform the organization’s investigation and response to the case? What specific steps should be taken, when, and by whom?
  • Which of those steps are “final” and which, if any, are merely “interim”?

To assist these decisions, ProActive has developed a process for triaging violence risk, the ProActive VR Triage Process.

Having a streamlined approach to prioritizing and responding to incivility, conflict and risks of all varieties assists organizations in maintaining safe and secure workplaces, complying with occupational health and safety regulations, and mitigating exposure to liability.


4. Reintegration Support Services

Reintegration Support Services help employees and their respective managers in normalizing working relationships following investigations or other challenging conditions.

This process is NOT a fact-finding exercise or a process to apportion blame or fault regarding past incidents. Instead, participants learn how to apply ProActive’s structured decision-making and response strategies in their ongoing workplace interactions. Throughout the sessions, the facilitator provides feedback and direction to empower and encourage participants in taking personal responsibility for their behavior in creating and maintaining a respectful workplace, for themselves and others. Reintegration Support Services help:

  • the manager to clarify and communicate their behavioral expectations
  • affected group member(s) to plan in advance for potentially difficult situations
  • the returning employee to consider more helpful responses to future incidents
  • leaders to align on expectations and how to manage future behaviors