One-on-One Support

We offer personalized support to individuals in various ways, including coaching, case management, and ombud services.

1. Coaching Offerings

Our coaching services cater to diverse needs, from providing structured coaching programs for high-potential managers to offering conflict coaching for navigating challenging situations. Our experienced team of coaches is here to assist.

Structured Coaching Program – Imagine coaching that aligns with not only individual career goals but also the organization’s vision, mission, and values. Picture a coaching process where both the coach and the coachee, along with their supervisor, collaborate on setting goals and monitoring progress.

  1. Why Coach? Leadership, much like professional sports, demands continual growth and development. Every leader can benefit from one-on-one coaching to hone specific leadership skills and enhance their contribution to the organization.
  2. Our Approach: Effective leadership isn’t just about skill-building; it’s also about fostering alignment. Our Structured Coaching approach focuses on aligning individual goals with the organization’s mission, vision, and strategic priorities, as well as with the leader’s supervisor.
  3. How it works? Our Structured Coaching program comprises 6 or 12 sessions, each dedicated to mastering a specific leadership principle or practice. Before sessions commence, the coach, leader, and leader’s supervisor collaborate to create a Coaching Plan outlining desired outcomes, steps, and measures for assessment and alignment.

Conflict Coaching –  Conflicts are inevitable in any workplace. We provide ongoing support and guidance to individuals involved in disputes or tasked with managing conflicts within their organization.

2. Case Management Services

Our team offers comprehensive case management services, ranging from addressing microaggressions to assessing potential risks of violence. Whether you need assistance documenting HR decisions, conducting fairness audits, or ensuring employee safety, we’re here to help.

3. Ombuds Services

Our Ombuds Services are designed to provide confidential, independent, and impartial support to address inquiries, concerns, and complaints related to workplace behavior. We work closely with your organization to establish the parameters and duration of our services, ensuring they align with your internal needs and objectives.

At the core of our Ombuds Services is the principle of fairness (due process). We ensure that all employees have access to fair rules, processes, and outcomes, guided by your organization’s policies, human rights legislation, and other relevant frameworks. Fairness is not only defined in a flexible and context-specific manner but also informed by your organization’s values, strategic commitments, and mission.

To remain relevant and responsive in today’s society, our approach to fairness integrates perspectives from critical race and gender theories, trauma-informed practices, and cross-cultural understanding. We believe in facilitating interactions that prioritize respect, compassion, and constructive problem-solving to promote individual and organizational well-being.

Our Ombuds Services encompass a range of activities, including:

  1. Listening attentively to individuals and helping them articulate their concerns effectively.
  2. Exploring various options for moving forward, whether through formal or informal processes within the organization or external referrals.
  3. Providing non-judgmental and impartial support to facilitate constructive problem-solving.
  4. Assisting individuals in achieving their larger goals through coaching and role-playing exercises.
  5. Building conflict engagement capacity using proven models and tools, such as our StraightTalk® Model.

At a systemic level, we also analyze individual concerns and complaints to identify opportunities for structural improvements within your organization. Our recommendations are aimed at fostering an inclusive and respectful climate and culture that align with your broader strategic goals and values.

Furthermore, we collaborate with you to explore the potential establishment of a sustainable internal capacity for ombuds expertise within your organization. This may involve developing an embedded, distributed model of internal Ombuds to enhance your organization’s ability to address conflicts and promote fairness effectively.