Group Processes

Conflict is a common occurrence in any workplace, and how it’s handled can significantly impact relationships. At ProActive ReSolutions, we offer structured procedures to assist parties involved in conflict. Our approach focuses on learning from the situation, bolstering essential relationships, and turning conflict into opportunities for cooperation and collaboration.

1. Post Investigation Management

It’s always difficult to return to full productivity following a workplace hearing or formal investigation, which is one of the reasons ProActive ReSolutions strongly argues against launching into a formal workplace investigation without first offering people the opportunity to participate in ProActive’s Restorative Conference. In circumstances where a decision to undertake a workplace investigation has been taken, the incidents and relationships leading up to and resulting from these complaint processes are likely to recur, continue, or even escalate without everyone having a clear understanding of your organization’s expectations, the responsibilities each person has agreed to comply with, and the support systems available to ensure everyone behaves appropriately.

Our Approach

At ProActive ReSolutions, our Post Investigation Management Services (PIMS) ensure that everyone comprehends their roles and expectations following the conclusion of an investigation. PIMS is forward-thinking, using the investigation’s outcome as an opportunity to reinforce the responsibilities of each team member. We equip individuals with the tools, skills, and strategies needed to address problematic behaviours as they emerge. Serving both as a targeted intervention and a cultural reset for workgroups, PIMS supports individuals while establishing an integrated accountability framework to maintain a healthy, psychologically safe, and harassment-free workplace.

Our Methodology

  1. Researching the Problem: The initial phase of PIMS involves gaining a thorough understanding of the perceptions, attitudes, and underlying issues from all parties involved. This is achieved through a series of one-on-one interviews with complainants, respondents, and managers.
  2. Analyzing and Addressing the Problem: Once we have a clear grasp of the issues, our consultants develop a coaching plan to address these perceptions and concerns. This plan includes coaching key individuals to actively participate in a Respectful Workplace Training session with their workgroup.
  3. Presenting the Findings: ProActive ReSolutions will then present a report summarising the understanding of the problem, actions taken, and any pertinent recommendations. Confidentiality is paramount; we ensure that specific scenarios and individual concerns remain undisclosed.

Additional coaching support is available as part of our annual support package, ensuring continued guidance and assistance for maintaining a respectful and safe workplace environment.

2. Conflict Management

Conflict is a daily occurrence in the workplace and manifests in various forms. While many issues are resolved, those that aren’t can escalate into more intense conflicts or result in negative behaviours such as bullying, harassment, toxic workplace behaviour, or even workplace violence in extreme cases.

At ProActive, we distinguish between a dispute and a conflict. A dispute, from the Latin root ‘disputare,’ means to clear up misunderstandings. Conversely, conflict, derived from ‘conflictus,’ signifies a clash. These differing natures necessitate different approaches.

This understanding underpins our development of Restorative Conferencing, now widely recognized and utilized. Our ProActive Restorative ReSolutions Conference has been validated by numerous international studies, including the UK’s largest Randomized Controlled Trial in the social sciences. It is one of the few professional services proven to deliver a Return on Investment of 9:1.

Our approach has been adopted in workplaces, criminal justice systems, and communities globally.

Our Approach

The ProActive ReSolutions’ Conference helps those embroiled in conflict to understand its origins, its impact on cooperation, and to collaboratively determine steps to repair any harm and prevent future conflict.

Our Methodology

We start by involving everyone affected in the ProActive ReSolutions Conference. Listening to each individual’s perspective, we identify incidents, issues, and behavioural patterns that highlight the difficulties in engagement. By the time the Conference convenes, participants are ready to talk, listen, and engage constructively.

In a facilitator-led group discussion, participants clarify how the conflict arose, recognize its impacts, and decide on steps to move forward cooperatively.

Typically, the Conference results in a written agreement outlining expected behaviours, monitoring methods, and consequences for breaching the agreement. ProActive maintains weekly contact for 6-8 weeks to monitor progress. The group then reconvenes to report on their progress and suggest additional measures to sustain the agreement.

ProActive can provide a written report to the client, offering additional recommendations to support the group in maintaining and building on their success.

3. Reintegration Support Services

Uncomfortable. Tense. Challenging. Strange. These are common reactions from individuals, team members, and management when someone returns to the workplace after an incident investigation. The uncertainty about how to act, what to say, or how to behave often hinders productivity for all involved.

Our Reintegration Support Services (RSS) are designed to ease the reintroduction of individuals into the workplace after an incident. We help establish effective communication structures and set behavioural expectations in a safe, supportive environment.

Our Approach

RSS is not a tool for fact-finding or assigning blame for incidents that have caused distress or discomfort. Instead, we focus on understanding the critical perceptions and attitudes within the team or among managers after an incident. Our goal is to address these perceptions and attitudes to support the individual’s smooth reintegration into the workplace.

Our Methodology

RSS employs a structured process to understand and document the perceptions, issues, and dynamics among the individual, the team, and the managers involved.

The initial phase involves identifying the perceptions, attitudes, and underlying issues held by those involved. This is achieved through one-on-one interviews with the complainants, respondents, and managers.

Analysing and Addressing the Problem

With a comprehensive understanding of these perceptions, attitudes, and underlying issues, our consultants develop a coaching plan to address them effectively.

Presenting the Findings

We provide a report summarising the understanding of the issue, actions taken, and relevant recommendations.

We ensure confidentiality regarding participants’ concerns and disclosures and do not share specifics of the scenarios discussed during interviews.

Additional ongoing coaching support is available through our annual support package.

4. Dialogue for Solutions

Sometimes making decisions is not an easy process. There are strongly held opinions, different understandings and insufficient time available to reach a well thought through, inclusive and appropriate solutions. ProActive ReSolutions’ Dialogue for Solutions provides a 4-step framework to overcome these limitations.

Our Approach

In our methodology, our facilitator ensures active participation from all group members, ensuring that every voice is heard and valued. Discussions are centered on a thorough exploration of issues, aiming to secure commitment from participants towards executing a well-defined action plan.

Our Methodology

Employing our Dialogue for Solutions approach, we harness the collective wisdom of the group, distinguishing between identified problems and strengths while prioritizing the former. We craft an action plan geared towards addressing these problems, while also ensuring the group’s accountability in its implementation.

Step 1: Information Gathering
Using the Dialogue for Solutions framework, we facilitate group meetings where each participant has the opportunity to share insights on the issue at hand. These contributions are meticulously recorded alongside the contributor’s name.

Step 2: Problem Identification
Following the information gathering phase, participants collectively identify which items represent problems. Through a confidential scoring system, these problems are individually assessed against specific criteria. The list is then examined in priority order, starting with the Primary Problem.

Step 3: Solution Identification
Under the guidance of the facilitator, participants brainstorm various solutions to address the Primary Problem. These solutions are subsequently evaluated based on their costs and benefits. Through confidential scoring, a Primary Solution is identified using predetermined criteria.

Step 4: Action Plan Development
Participants focus on implementing the Primary Solution (and, if time allows, the next two prioritized solutions) by developing an Action Plan. This plan outlines specific steps, and participants commit to its execution, ensuring accountability. A comprehensive report summarizing the dialogue and key learnings from the exercise is provided.