HR Professionals

Helping you support and grow your organization’s most valuable assets – its people.

HR professionals face personnel and organizational compliance challenges on a daily basis. Issues ranging from recruiting, payroll, workplace investigations, redundancies and terminations , reintegrating returning workers back into the workforce after an injury or incident, responding to grievances including bullying and harassment, and all the way to the more extreme cases of violence in the workplace, such as self harm, including threats of physical violence and acts of self harm. HR professionals need to deal with all these challenges.

ProActive ReSolutions’ range of organizational compliance training and consulting, our conflict resolution and transformation processes, and our violence prevention and management services, offer an accessible and reliable framework for preventing, managing and responding to all these issues in a consistent and effetctive manner.

Conflict Resolution

Drawing on Restorative Justice principles and processes, ProActive ReSolutions’ conflict management service is not focused on penalizing the individual(s) at fault, rather, the focus is on engaging all parties involved to understand the impact of the behaviour on the victims and creating a behavioural agreement that can be implemented, monitored and supported.

The effectiveness of ProActive ReSolutions’ conflict resolution service has been validated by numerous international studies, including the UK’s largest randomly controlled trial on restorative justice conferences as a process for responding to anti-social, criminal and harmful behaviour.. As a result, our approach has been adopted in workplaces, criminal justice systems and communities around the world.
Our conflict resolution service is one of the few services shown to achieve an ROI of 9:1.

Post-Investigation Management

It’s always difficult to return to full productivity following a workplace hearing or formal investigation. The incidents and relationships leading up to and resulting from these complaint processes are likely to recur, continue, or even escalate without everyone having a clear understanding of your organization’s expectations, the responsibilities each person has, and the support systems available to ensure everyone behaves appropriately.

Reintegration Support Services

Awkward. Hostile. Difficult. Uncomfortable. are terms often used by individuals, team members and management when individuals return to the workplace after an investigation is completed due to a grievance or complaint. Often, all parties involved find it difficult to return to being productive because they’re not sure how to behave, what to say, or how to act.

Our Reintegration Support Services facilitate the reintroduction of an individual back to the workplace environment after an incident, by helping to establish communication structures and behavioural expectations, all within a safe and non-threatening environment.

Workgroup Assessment

ProActive ReSolutions’ Workgroup Assessment consulting service works with organizations in assessing and dealing with dysfunctional and conflicting workgroups resulting from problematic behaviours, poor communications and/or hostile environments.

Our Workgroup Assessment team digs deep into the dynamics of difficult workgroups to help identify contributing factors, , and problematic and often unresolved differences and conflicts. We then provide recommendations and assist with implementing the recommendations through the application of one or more of our products and services.

Dialogue for Solutions (DfS)

Sometimes making decisions that take into account the diverse understandings and experiences of your team, is not an easy process. There can be strongly held opinions, different understandings and sufficient time available to reach a well thought through, inclusive and appropriate solution. ProActive ReSolutions’ Dialogue for Solutions provides a 4-step framework for

  1. enabling groups and group members to share information,
  2. prioritise what are considered the critical problems or challenges,
  3. offer suggested solutions and agree on which suggested solutions are feasible and will make a difference, and
  4. from there develop an accountable action plan to arrive at decisions effectively and build an action plan that holds team accountable.

Our DfS process factors out conflict, by guaranteeing the diversity of your team’s lived experiences are captured and included in the decision-making process. It’s a way of pooling the wisdom of the group, and not risking poor decisions by excluding those who typically know the problems better than a leadership operating in isolation.

Violence Risk Assessment and Management Services

Our Violence Risk Assessment Services provide critical support to organizations struggling to safeguard employee safety in the face of a potential risk of workplace violence as it emerges. These services are predicated on empirically-validated processes and structured professional judgement instruments, and include the following activities:

  • Collecting relevant information and identifying critical gaps in information
  • Compiling and analyzing information using standardized instruments
  • Identifying relevant risk factors in the specific case
  • Assessing the nature and level of risk
  • Identifying likely risk scenarios
  • Identifying appropriate interim management strategies
  • Providing written report of our final findings and recommendations

We note that our findings and recommendations always consider the workplace environment and dynamics insofar as those factors relate to the risk of violence.

Violence Risk Management Services provide critical support to organizations in effectively managing an emerging risk of workplace violence.

Once the nature and extent of the risks of violence have been determined, and appropriate management strategies identified through completion of the Violence Risk Assessment process, ProActive’s Violence Risk Management Services focus explicitly on preventing escalation to or repeat of actual violence, and on minimizing associated harm on a case-by-case basis. Depending on the circumstances, Violence Risk Management Services may include:

  • Developing a practical and effective Violence Risk Management Plan, incorporating current best practices tailored to address relevant risk factors
  • Advising during implementation of the Violence Risk Management Plan
  • Liaising with the client’s internal and external advisors. (i.e., Human Resources advisors; employment relations advisors; legal counsel;
  • Occupation Health & Safety advisors; security advisors; etc.)
  • Liaising with external agencies. (i.e., police; community mental health agencies; etc.)
  • Liaising with other stakeholders. (i.e., unions; etc.)
  • Attending and providing active support in meetings and interviews with relevant individuals. (i.e., potential perpetrators of violence; or potential targets of violence; employees; etc.)