1-On-1 Support

We support individuals requiring support and accountability in a variety of ways, including coaching, case management, and ombudsing.

Table of Contents

  1. Coaching Services
  2. Case Management Services
  3. Ombuds Services

1. Coaching Services

Whether you’re looking for a Structured Coaching Program for a high-potential manager or conflict coaching to help navigate a specific difficult situation, our team of seasoned coaches can help.

Structured Coaching Program

What if coaching supported the organization’s vision, mission, and values rather than an individual’s career aims?

What if the person being coached aligned with their manager on the goals and the progress throughout?

Why Coach

Leadership, like elite athletics, must be a journey of continuous growth and development – and, like elite athletes, at different points in their journey, every leader can benefit from working one-on-one with an expert coach to focus on fine-tuning specific, measurable leadership competencies to enhance their contribution to the organization.

Our Approach

Leaders don’t lead in a vacuum — sometimes leadership improvement is as much about improving alignment as it is about competency-building. ProActive ReSolutions’ Structured Coaching is designed to drive alignment with the organization’s mission, vision, values and strategic priorities, as well as the leader’s own manager, while building critical leadership competencies.

How it Works

ProActive ReSolutions Structured Coaching consists of 6 or 12 Coaching Sessions, each focusing on understanding and applying a specific principle or practice. Importantly, the Coaching Sessions only start after the coach, the leader and the leader’s manager collaborate on the creation of a Coaching Plan – a map of the desired outcomes, steps, and measures. The Coaching Plan then guides the structure of the Coaching Sessions and also provides the framework for ongoing assessment and alignment.

Conflict Coaching

In every organization, conflict is inevitable. For better or worse, an employer’s response to conflict creates its own separate outcomes for those involved in an incidenT. ProActive ReSolutions works on retainer to support and advise individuals in dispute themselves or tasked with managing a workplace dispute.

2. Case Management Services

Our multi-disciplinary team supports employers with a range of case management services, from responding to microaggressions to triaging for the potential Risk of Violence. Whether your team is looking for help documenting HR decisions and actions, seeking a fairness audit of an investigation, or worried about an employee’s physical safety, we can help.

3. Ombuds Services

ProActive ReSolutions will establish and deliver confidential, independent and impartial Ombuds Services to your employees in relation to inquiries, concerns and complaints regarding workplace behaviour. In consultation with key decision-makers, ProActive confirms the parameters of this service and the duration of its delivery to suit your internal needs. For example, some organizations opt first for a one-year pilot project.

Foundation of Fairness and Due Process

ProActive ReSolutions Ombuds Services will be based on the foundational principle and core value of fairness (due process). All employees will be supported to access fair rules, processes and outcomes with fairness defined and advanced as a flexible and context-specific concept that will allow your organization to respond to concerns and complaints under your policies, human rights legislation, and other jurisdictional frameworks in a respectful, constructive and professional manner. Fairness will be conceptualized in a way to include and be informed by your organization’s values, strategic commitments and mission, as well as any broader legislative objectives. Fairness, to be relevant and responsive in society today, will also be informed by a substantive lens of diversity and inclusion, including:

  • Critical race and gender theories
  • A trauma-informed approach
  • Fluency in cross-cultural difference and intersectionality

ProActive ReSolutions Ombuds Services will be nimble and responsive to your employee’s needs and preferences as much as possible and interactions can be conducted via email, phone, video-conferencing, and where practicable, in-person. Essential to ProActive ReSolutions’ philosophy of ombuds practice is building, repairing and restoring relationships between individuals and with your organization. In this regard, Ombuds Services will be delivered with respect and compassion to advance individual and organizational well-being.

Core Activities of Ombuds Services

The core activities of ProActive ReSolutions Ombuds Services include:

  • Listening to the individual and assisting to identify and articulate their concerns;
  • Exploring options in moving forward, including both formal and informal processes within the ASA as well as external referrals (e.g. criminal);
  • Being a non-judgmental and impartial sounding board to support problem-solving in a constructive and professional manner;
  • Supporting the individual to move forward and work towards achieving their larger goals;
  • Coaching and role-playing to enhance the individual’s capacity and confidence to have difficult conversations;
  • Building conflict engagement capacity utilizing ProActive ReSolutions’ STRAIGHTTALK® Model and other tools.

Systemic Improvements and Recommendations

At a systemic level, ProActive ReSolutions Ombuds Services may also include identifying and analyzing individual concerns and complaints to formulate recommendations to advance structural improvements to foster an inclusive and respectful climate and culture:

  • In support of advancing your organization’s broader strategic goals, values and mission, ProActive ReSolutions Ombuds Services will incorporate and leverage its expertise and work with Institutional Betrayal Theory;
  • Recommendations will be made to your organization with the objective of enhancing and demonstrating your commitment to providing a fair and respectful environment for all employees;
  • Discussions to explore the potential/opportunity of developing a sustainable model of internal capacity and expertise (e.g. an embedded, distributed model of internal Ombuds across your organization).